Eilertsen Dental Care, Plymouth

Guided Biofilm Therapy
GBT Treatment

GBT Logo and Airflow
minimally invasive GBT treatment  before
example of healthy teeth after
optrigrate being used for GBT
disclosed biofilm with dye treatment

A GBT appointment is a new and innovative multi step process.

It’s a minimally invasive and pain free way to control and manage the dental biofilm (dental plaque) present in your mouth. The outdated “Scale and Polish” is long gone within Eilertsen Dental Care and we are all about the innovative technologies and used within GBT, such as: the Airflow, Perioflow and Piezon.

With GBT we can guarantee consistent high quality treatment which not only benefits your oral health, such as teeth and gum health, but your overall health. Scientific evidence from studies show links between the bad biofilm found in the mouth and cardiovascular disease, Alzheimers, diabetes and more. Each patient will have their own individual diagnosis and depending on this one of our clinicians will recommend an appropriate treatment protocol to follow. GBT is a multi step process that requires engagement from the patient in order to be successful.

What is involved in a GBT appointment?

Dental Biofilm Management

A Guided Biofilm Therapy GBT appointment is a multi step process. If you have periodontal disease and agree to have treatment, appointment lengths and the number of sessions will vary and be slightly different than a standard GBT appointment but this will all be discussed with you and information will be provided accordingly.

Step by Step – Guided Biofilm Therapy



Your clinician will assess your teeth, gums and periodontal tissues (implants and peri-implant tissues if applicable). This will be done visually, as well as using a probe to feel these areas, areas of bleeding will be noted down on your chart and a percentage will be given to how much bleeding is present. The aim is to get under 10%, this score will be kept to compare progress at future appointments.


A purple dye will be placed on the teeth using a sponge. This allows makes the biofilm visible to us, highlighting problematic areas to the patient where bad bacteria is building up. 


Your clinician will show you how to effectively remove the biofilm with your toothbrush and interdental aids. This will help to prevent problems such as tooth decay and gum disease.


Consists of water soluble AIRFLOW PLUS powder, air and water that heats up to around 40°C. This allows us to remove biofilm, stain and early calculus from above the gum and up to 4mm below the gum. This is suitable for natural teeth, dental implants and restorations. Any remaining stains can be removed using the AIRFLOW CLASSIC powder.


This step will only be added during periodontal disease treatment appointments. Your clinician will make you aware of this and will provide further information if necessary, This step allows us to clean pockets ranging from 4mm up to 9mm using a different nozzle, this is also great for peri-implantitis around implants.


Any remaining calculus will be removed with the Piezon scaler and can be used on areas up to 10mm sub subgingivally. This works by the vibrations breaking up any tenacious calculus and is pain free. 


At this step we will check for any remaining biofilm, stain or calculus. We will also check for any dental decay as plaque and calculus can hide cavities which may have been missed in the exam. Any further treatment needed will be recommended if your clinician feels it is necessary.


Depending on the risk assessment of the patient, a recall will be set for you to come back for your next appointment. We will also check in and ask how you found the appointment and if you have any questions!

Why Biofilm Removal is Important

Biofilm removal is essential for maintaining hygiene and functionality in systems like medical devices and industrial equipment. Biofilms, composed of microorganisms in a protective matrix, resist conventional cleaning. Effective removal combines the multiple steps outlined in guided biofilm therapy.
This process enhances equipment performance and reduces health risks from microbial contamination, making it crucial for sanitation across various industries.


Periodontitis (Gum Disease) & Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease

Periodontitis can elevate the risk of systemic diseases, including cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, arthritis, and diabetes. Maintaining regular oral hygiene, along with professional treatments like Guided Biofilm Therapy, helps manage biofilm, promoting improved oral and overall health.

Perfect white smail against old yellow teeth before and after